International strategy. Managing companies in the global economic system
INCREASE segnala l'uscita del Manuale pubblicato da BUP-Bocconi University Press
a cura di Valdemarin S. e Lucia M.G.

In a global economic system marked by continuous changes, companies should adapt their strategies to successfully manage international activities. On one hand, strategic decisions play a key role in detecting and seizing international opportunities. On the other hand, global shifts have a strong impact on every type of company and organization, regardless of their size and degree of internationalization. Focusing on the most relevant issues in the international development of companies, the book proposes theoretical models and managerial tools to successfully tackle global challenges. Each chapter relies extensively on figures and tables to make concepts accessible and is accompanied by a set of questions to review key notions and check learning outcomes. For this reason, the book is designed to be used at different levels, by different readers: from professors and students in undergraduate and post-graduate programs at universities and business schools, to managers and entrepreneurs aiming to internationalize their company and facing global challenges.